Created a clone of Neenbo dating app in just 3 days - Masai School Project
My short life Story
Hello there ๐, I'm Ravindra Solanki, a passionate Android developer who loves to share his tech ideas, knowledge, and expertise with the community.
So My team called White was given a project to make a clone of the Neenbo dating app in just 3days.
On the first day of the project, we created Git Repositories and we all cloned that on your system.
we split the work into 3 parts.
starting activity, login activity, and filling the information activity was created by Sumit.
Encounter activity, liked you activity, and message activity was created by me.
People near me activity, My account activity was created by Varun. and there were many activities that were created by us.
Starting page of the app
get the code on your Git Repositories
git clone
Tech Stack
- java
- Andriod Studio
- Git Hub
- XML Code
The Problem We Faced
- because we were new to this git thing, we had many conflicts and problems.
- Varun created Repositories and pushed an empty android file on them. because Varun had an old version of Andriod and the rest had the latest version, this error caused us some time to resolve
- there was a scrolling image function, in which the user can scroll the images, we were getting some error on that.
- there was some communication gap between members sometimes, as we are from different parts of India.
- there are some loopholes in the project that took time to resolve.
Images of Neenbo app
- Starting page, where the user will choose who to log in or sign in.
- Finish page where the user will enter the given details
- Encounter page where the user will see the other user account and can give a heart or cross.
- people nearby the page, the user can check all the other users on the app and can check the profile.
- My account will help you add details of yourself and to add images and many other things too.
Wrapping Up
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